Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Five Things To Remember On April 24

1. The heads of the USCCB Committees on Domestic Justice and Human Development and International Justice and Peace respectively, Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, California, and Bishop Richard E. Pates of Des Moines, Iowa, urged Congress in April 22 letters to both chambers to weigh decisions surrounding the budget by how they impact human life and dignity, serve "the least of these" and reflect government's shared responsibility to protect the common good. The bishops' letters followed President Obama's 2014 budget proposal.

"The President's proposal moves Food for Peace funding allocated for food needs during emergencies to International Disaster Assistance (IDA) while substantially cutting existing IDA programs. The proposed reductions are deeply troubling, especially as humanitarian needs grow in places like Syria. Congress should reject these cuts in shelter and medical assistance to very vulnerable populations."

2. Pope Francis has tweeted each day this week on his @Pontifex account. He made headlines today during his daily Mass when he said the Church is in a love affair.

3. In a well-done video, Catholic News Service looks at how "Pacem in Terris" holds up 50 years after the Cold War-inspired papal encyclical on peace was written by Blessed John XXIII.

4. Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin, Texas will take part in a memorial service held tomorrow in Waco for victims of last week's plant explosion.

5. God loves you.

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